ZirChron provides high-purity & high-yield separates from whole rock samples for geochronologic and other analytical applications for academic and commercial uses.

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Technical and interpretational advances in the last few decades have increased the demand for mineral separation in both academic Earth science, and in resource industries such as petroleum exploration and mining.
With more than 10 years experience in geochronology and consulting in geosciences, we can deliver fast and high quality mineral separation for any application. Routine procedures include preparation of clean high yield separates of zircon, apatite and other heavy minerals for U/Pb, fission-track and (U-Th)/He geochronology and thermochronology, as well as separates of mica, hornblende, and other bearing phases for K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar analyses.
Let us put our high standards and procedures to work for you and your applications.


Learn more about the company and our staff dedicated to providing
high quality service.
About Zirchron
Services & Costs
Learn about our separation processes and general pricing.
To help serve you better we've complied answers to our most frequently asked questions.
We Are Proud to Serve